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picture1_Economics Pdf 126019 | Class11economicschapter2

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File: Economics Pdf 126019 | Class11economicschapter2
class 11 economics chapter 2 central problems of an economy introduction every economy in the world faces the problem of unlimited wants and limited resources this economic problem gives rise ...

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...Class economics chapter central problems of an economy introduction every in the world faces problem unlimited wants and limited resources this economic gives rise to people making choices about how they would like use scarce which are as following what produce quanttese producee for whom these called because has face them seek solutons collectvely allocaton different economies solve differently under market is a free it means that producers decide on basis do take their decisionse supply demand forces decisions taken will those goods offer high profits b always technology efciency maximises cost minimises c who can afford pay prices poor sectons society often ignored causes divide gulf between rich centrally planned here related by some authority government all maximise social welfare not services produced finds most useful technique producton be adopted socially desirable instance labour intensive techniques so create employment opportunites mixed shares merits well certain areas ent...

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