wp 1 2019 working paper understanding monetary and fiscal policy rule interactions in indonesia solikin m juhro paresh k narayan bernard n iyke 2019 this is a working paper and ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 11 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Wp working paper understanding monetary and fiscal policy rule interactions in indonesia solikin m juhro paresh k narayan bernard n iyke this is a hence it represents research progress the opinions of authors product professional not meant to represent position or bank any errors are fault abstract we examine interaction policies over period q within standard structural vector autoregression svar framework show that reaction rules quite consistent with theoretical predictions for instance contractionary trailed by lower government expenditure extend analysis evaluate during active passive regimes synchronized full sample suggesting presence institutional rigidities particularly past restricting recent time find be harmonized some extent owing joint coordination initiatives authorities keywords jel classification e introduction events motivate investigation overturn global recession us other major economies pursued mix often concurrently stimulate growth enhance financial market activit...