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picture1_Fiscal Policy Pdf 125919 | Section1

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File: Fiscal Policy Pdf 125919 | Section1
fiscal policy overview 113 113 information box national trust fund 121 122 122 feature article fiscal responsibility act framework fiscal policy overview overview recognising that vaccination is the key factor ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 11 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Fiscal policy overview information box national trust fund feature article responsibility act framework recognising that vaccination is the key factor in addressing pandemic government against backdrop of prolonged launched covid immunisation assumes a programme pick on february primary role economic recovery third rollout signifies wave outbreak poses major commitment to ensure at least challenge s burden adult population receives full by particularly balancing its impact end october subsequently future generation with an exponential rise june unveiled positive cases state emergency plan nrp roadmap was declared effective from january until exit and accelerate august enhance enforcement tabled improve containment measures tighten parliament july provides clear border control view extraordinary guidance for reopening economy situation has proactively social activities through four transitional extended flexibility pragmatism phase strategy based data analytics as protect people busines...

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