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picture1_Macroeconomics Pdf 125832 | Econ 2301

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File: Macroeconomics Pdf 125832 | Econ 2301
principles of macroeconomics econ 2301 credit 3 semester credit hours 3 hours lecture prerequisite co requisite none course description an analysis of the economy as a whole including measurement and ...

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...Principles of macroeconomics econ credit semester hours lecture prerequisite co requisite none course description an analysis the economy as a whole including measurement and determination aggregate demand supply national income inflation unemployment other topics include international trade economic growth business cycles fiscal policy monetary required textbook materials text book publisher access code included with sealed key for blackboard nd macro mceachern edition isbn bundled card or used objectives upon completion this student will be able to explain role scarcity specialization opportunity cost benefit in decision making identify determinants demonstrate impact shifts both market curves on equilibrium price output define measure rates phases cycle problems caused by cyclical fluctuations money describe process creation banking system central bank construct model macr use it illustrate macroeconomic potential solutions mechanics institutions their sources ecng syllabus core cri...

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