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picture1_Economic Growth Pdf 125797 | Wcms 218886

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File: Economic Growth Pdf 125797 | Wcms 218886
executive summary wage led growth an equitable strategy for economic recovery edited by marc lavoie and engelbert stockhammer this new volume is the final product of a joint ilo research ...

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...Executive summary wage led growth an equitable strategy for economic recovery edited by marc lavoie and engelbert stockhammer this new volume is the final product of a joint ilo research project that investigates inequal ity developments their impact on economy it proposes will be useful to both future researchers policy makers book examines causes consequences falling shares rising in come inequality notably aggregate demand labour productivity provides em pirical econometric evidence regarding potential changing income distribution also strategies implications would alleviate global problems have been associated with household debt needed sustain consumption expenditures mercantilist policies based moderation goes beyond microeconomic view as cost has negative firm considers instead its positive macroeconomic dynam ics wages are major source can generate hence create virtuous circle insufficient more broadly polarization contributed eco nomic crisis particularly timely existing downw...

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