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picture1_Economics Pdf 125776 | Good Economics For Hard Times

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File: Economics Pdf 125776 | Good Economics For Hard Times
read an excerpt from good economics for hard times visit goodeconomicsforhardtimes com the en d of growth the key ultimately is to not lose sight of the fact that gdp ...

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...Read an excerpt from good economics for hard times visit goodeconomicsforhardtimes com the en d of growth key ultimately is to not lose sight fact that gdp a means and end useful no doubt especially when it creates jobs or raises wages plumps government budget so can redistribute more but ultimate goal remains one raising quality life average person worst off than just consumption as we saw in previous chapter most human beings care about feeling worthy respected they suffer feel are failing themselves their families while better lives indeed partly being able consume even very poor people also health parents educating children having voices heard pursue dreams higher may be way which this given only ways there presumption always best varies enormously between middle income coun tries example sri lanka has less same per capita guatemala maternal infant child mortality much lower comparable with those united states by abhijit v banerjee esther duflo delivering well generally looking bac...

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