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picture1_Economics Pdf 125773 | Bbabi104

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File: Economics Pdf 125773 | Bbabi104
bba 104 business economics ii course contents unit i lectures 12 concepts of macro economics and national income determination definitions importance limitations of macroeconomics macro economic variables circular flow of ...

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...Bba business economics ii course contents unit i lectures concepts of macro and national income determination definitions importance limitations macroeconomics economic variables circular flow in two three four sector economy relation between leakages injections definition methods measurement india problems precautions estimation framework theory full employment classical modern keynesian approach consumption function relationship saving investment concept marginal efficiency capital models multiplier model iii analysis money supply inflation functions forms demand for friedmanian measures quantity types causes impact remedies iv equilibrium product market introduction to is lm monetary policy fiscal a study the as whole that control government meant stabilize over time reduce fluctuations known also includes side term derived from greek word makros which means large it deals with aggregates such output general price level etc therefore called aggregative according shapiro functioning ...

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