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picture1_Economics Pdf 125726 | 56 German Economics

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File: Economics Pdf 125726 | 56 German Economics
janina urban florian rommel german economics its current form and content working paper serie der institute fur okonomie und fur philosophie nr 56 03 2020 cusanus hochschule fur gesellschaftsgestaltung postfach ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 11 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Janina urban florian rommel german economics its current form and content working paper serie der institute fur okonomie und philosophie nr cusanus hochschule gesellschaftsgestaltung postfach bernkastel kues www de network for pluralism in willy brandt platz heidelberg germany plurale oekonomik gochschule april abstract this provides a systematic assessment of academic teaching research policy advice it assembles recent empirical studies contributes by presenting their main findings comprehensible manner as well contextualizing them the economic methodological discourses most are only available also making these accessible to international debate on special characteristics discipline keywords education mainstream jel categories b aim overview concept being an economist has undergone numerous changes meaning throughout history within different cultures science is human endeavour can will be performed various ways kuhn schefold daston avoid relativism or anything goes feyerabend importan...

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