circular flow infographic activity answer key economists create models to illustrate economic activity the circular flow model shows us how households businesses and the government interact with one another in ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 11 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Circular flow infographic activity answer key economists create models to illustrate economic the model shows us how households businesses and government interact with one another in economy each of these three parts are affected by actions others this will help you analyze relationships using poster that accompanies it who s use information from your following questions for scenarios should identify a role person buyer or seller market resource product b sector household firm c receiving money payment swooshy sports sells soccer ball james what can tell about transaction was is part used paid margie has large rural property where she grows pine trees them big paper company land went factor production labor capital entrepreneurship good service shayla her own business selling tacos at stand local park taco tomatoes small garden plot rents man named jack show me productions inc just announced hit play grand theater july alec works snack bar inside says he buy tickets sell an example doe...