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picture1_Macroeconomics Pdf 125639 | Sp20 Econ 2110 553 Pungm

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File: Macroeconomics Pdf 125639 | Sp20 Econ 2110 553 Pungm
econ 2110 553 principles of macroeconomics spring 2020 syllabus instructor dr mallika pung email mallikapung unm edu phone 505 433 7141 office hours via zoom fridays 1 00 to 1 ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 11 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Econ principles of macroeconomics spring syllabus instructor dr mallika pung email mallikapung unm edu phone office hours via zoom fridays to pm and wednesdays or by appointment please read this carefully as it may answer many questions you have about the course if after reading can contact me at address above general advice class be tough don t put in much effort then ll likely get a c best book work problems ask understand something required material will utilize two on line platforms learn sapling plus for modern cowen tabarrok access card fourth edition tyler alex isbn are not separately purchase physical copy comes with e refer guide end register schedule is week that runs from tuesday january through saturday all due dates time referred mountain description introduces students study economy whole applies basic economics economic systems relationships among sectors topics include unemployment inflation national income employment theory government expenditures taxation role banking...

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