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picture1_Economics Pdf 125573 | Bba 1 Micro Economics1

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File: Economics Pdf 125573 | Bba 1 Micro Economics1
st b b a 1 sem subject micro economics syllabus class b b a i sem subject micro economics unit i introduction to economics definition nature and scope of economics ...

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...St b a sem subject micro economics syllabus class i unit introduction to definition nature and scope of macro role in decision making ii demand analysis supply meaning types law determinants function elasticity price income cross schedule curve iii production returns variable proportions increasing constant diminishing scale iv cost revenue concepts elements relationship between average marginal curves concept v market structures classification markets perfect competition imperfect monopolistic oligopoly duopoly vi international tread balance payments disequilibrium bop methods correction barriers strategy free trade vs protection anurag nagar behind press complex indore m p ph www rccmindore com the term was originally derived from two greek word oikos which means household nomon management thus it refers managing using limited funds many economists like stigler samuelson macifie oscar lange sciovosky have given is fundamentally study scarcity problems gives rise stonier hagur economi...

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