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picture1_Economics Pdf 125551 | 01dnotes

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File: Economics Pdf 125551 | 01dnotes
notes for a course in development economics debraj ray version 2 3 2001 1 introduction open a book any book on the economics of developing countries and it will begin ...

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...Notes for a course in development economics debraj ray version introduction open book any on the of developing countries and it will begin with usual litany woes notwithstanding enormous strides they have made last few decades display fundamental economic inadequacies wide range indicators levels physical capital per person are small nutrition low other human such as education both at primary seconday well below developed country benchmarks so access to sanitation safe water housing population growth rates high infant mortality one could expand this list indenitely notice that some these or life expectancy instance may be regarded dening features underdevelopment respect above maybeviewed not statement correlations but denition what we mean by de velopment lack quantities capita least step removed don t dene is unclear whether fertility intrinsi cally feature welfare surely many families rich take great pleasure having large number ospring likewise holdings an instrumental value play p...

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