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File: Economics Pdf 125535 | Syba Old Syll Objective Qus Sem 4 19 20 Copy
1 t j education society s sheth nktt college of commerce and sheth jtt college of arts thane multiple choice questions mcqs for syba economics vi sem iv old syllabus ...

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...T j education society s sheth nktt college of commerce and jtt arts thane multiple choice questions mcqs for syba economics vi sem iv old syllabus module i introduction to maharashtra economy has been one the major industrialized progressive states a gujrat b c orissa d west bengal average rate growth consistently national higher than steady lower equal share service sector in gsdp growing even at level slower faster same as productivity is low aurangabad amravati divisions where contribution population more marathwada we find that their exceeds vidarbha rest pune nashik significantly other regions prepared by dr p sawant pg above large below three districts rom namely satara sangli kolhapur have registered cagr per cent annum less pace urbanization slowest highest lowest there very part urban agglomerations around bulging towns raigad nasik small minor negligible tribal recognized be most deprived section satisfied disadvantaged advantaged happy are undisputedly metro rural it may obs...

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