File: Economics Pdf 125484 | Principlesofeconomics
principles of economics semester i b com gen com it unit 1 introduction introduction the word economics originated from the greek word oikonomikos which means house hold management many group ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 11 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Principles of economics semester i b com gen it unit introduction the word originated from greek oikonomikos which means house hold management many group economist like physiocrats mercantilist defined followed by aristotle and kautilya scientific modern explanation started with classical adam smith gave wealth definition alfred marshall welfare lionel robbins scarcity growth economic activities are those human concerned earning spending money through exchange goods services activity is consumption production distribution all possess utility externality transferability possessiveness cycle wants unlimited scarce because this people have to work hard make effort satisfy their continues boost objectives eco high standard living aim man s so that raised result equitable income can be achieved more full employment every country achieve goals maintain at level resources essential both must increase arranged bring stability a situation where there no depression or inflation non these not und...