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picture1_Economic Survey 125454 | Economic Survey 2021

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File: Economic Survey 125454 | Economic Survey 2021
malta economic survey 2021 economic survey october 2021 economic policy department ministry for finance and employment th 11 october 2021 cip data economic survey october 2021 economic policy department valletta ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 11 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Malta economic survey october policy department ministry for finance and employment th cip data valletta isbn the following symbols have been used throughout this document to indicate that are not available figure is zero applicable or cannot be determined negligible national accounts estimates other statistics which appear in provisional subject revision figures may add up due rounding based on statistical information september printed at government press price glossary country codes austria it italy belgium lv latvia bg bulgaria lt lithuania hr croatia lu luxembourg cy cyprus mt cz czech republic nl netherlands dk denmark no norway ee estonia pl poland fi finland pt portugal fr france ro romania de germany si slovenia el greece sk slovakia hu hungary es spain iceland se sweden ie ireland uk united kingdom...

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