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picture1_Economics Pdf 125400 | Clep Exam Fact Sheet Principles Macroeconomics

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File: Economics Pdf 125400 | Clep Exam Fact Sheet Principles Macroeconomics
clep principles of macroeconomics at a glance description of the exam 8 12 basic economic concepts the principles of macroeconomics exam covers material scarcity choice and opportunity costs that is ...

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...Clep principles of macroeconomics at a glance description the exam basic economic concepts covers material scarcity choice and opportunity costs that is usually taught in one semester undergraduate production possibilities curve course this aspect economics deals with comparative advantage specialization exchange apply to an economy as whole particularly general price level output income demand supply market equilibrium interrelations among sectors test places particular emphasis on determinants measurement aggregate monetary performance fiscal policy tools can be used achieve objectives within context takers national accounts are expected understand such w circular flow gross domestic product consumption investment unemployment inflation also demonstrate knowledge institutional structure components federal reserve bank it real versus nominal uses stabilize fluctuations promote long term growth well adjustment their impacts employment indices deficits interest rate understanding foreig...

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