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picture1_Economic Survey 125361 | Eco 1021a 550   Course Outline   Kott

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File: Economic Survey 125361 | Eco 1021a 550 Course Outline Kott
economics 1021a section 550 principles of microeconomics course information huron university college fall 2019 economics 1021a section 550 classroom hc w12 time thursday 9 30 12 30 instructor s information ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 11 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Economics a section principles of microeconomics course information huron university college fall classroom hc w time thursday instructor s michael kottelenberg e mail mkottele uwo ca phone ext office v hours monday wednesday please use your email when communicating with me this prevents from going to spam also include the code in subject line description half year presents survey we focus primarily on economic behavior consumers and firms various market structures including competitive markets monopoly monopolistic competition oligopoly examine selected topics government regulation factor public policy objectives introduces some key concepts supply demand equilibrium opportunity cost marginal analysis students will understand how these are used guide decisions business managers makers help gain deeper understanding current events at end should be able critically analyze news reports articles matters class methods classes lecture based devoted discussion other learning activities textb...

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