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picture1_Economics Pdf 125335 | 3 Item Download 2022-10-11 16-57-13

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File: Economics Pdf 125335 | 3 Item Download 2022-10-11 16-57-13
principles of microeconomics fudan university department school of economics course sosc120021 code course principles of microeconomics title credit 5 credit hours 90 course specific general education courses core courses general ...

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...Principles of microeconomics fudan university department school economics course sosc code title credit hours specific general education courses core nature elective basic in discipline professional compulsory others after you finish the are supposed to learn command tools economic analysis understand price mechanism and how a market allocates objectives resources circumstances under which fails work efficiently policy correct inefficiency train critical thinking skill this introduces methods reasoning topics covered include supply demand gains from trade efficiency externality public goods theories firm structure we will use wide range real world examples demonstrate descriptio way students study get familiar with set n be able analyze phenomena conduct analyses focus on role allocating scarce economy also when discuss common improve requirements prerequisites none teaching lecture presentation group discussion instructor s academic background dr liu graduated mathematical experimenta...

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