epistemological problems of development economics victor i espinosa fecha de recepcion 23 de septiembre de 2019 fecha de aceptacion 18 de noviembre de 2019 abstract this article explores some of ...
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...Epistemological problems of development economics victor i espinosa fecha de recepcion septiembre aceptacion noviembre abstract this article explores some the that have been neglected in history mainstream research is focused on how epistemology influences conception develop ment and role economist policy foundations its methodological theoretical implications were analyzed first then these points view connected to explain rise as a purely technical field main theories contrasted with empirical evidence reveal their disregard for reality furthermore austrian theory dynamic efficiency was pre sented overcome results helped redefining concept based purpose ful human action finally patterns economic progress identified challenge keywords positivism prop erty rights capital jel classification b o resumen este articulo explora algunos los problemas epistemologicos que se han descuidado en la historia economia del desarrollo convencional investigacion centra como epistemologia influye concep...