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picture1_Ielts General Pdf 125009 | 231763 Ielts General Training Writing Task 1 Planning

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File: Ielts General Pdf 125009 | 231763 Ielts General Training Writing Task 1 Planning
ielts general training task 1 planning your writing an activity which helps students plan their writing for ielts general task 1 and use a process which helps them maximise their ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 11 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Ielts general training task planning your writing an activity which helps students plan their for and use a process them maximise marks in each criteria time minutes required additional sample one copy student materials http www org pdf worksheet aims to enable get good achievement coherence provide with some useful lexis that will increase the formality cohesion of letters help paraphrase rubric raise awareness marking what they can do grade procedure introduce topic room mates write following questions on board ask discuss pairs two have you ever had mate are bad things about having how make it difficult study kind accommodation think college prefer few share answers open class distribute face down tell not turn over going see question seconds decide who three must letter paper then after compare partner feedback elicit officer cover bullet points part or small groups as follows need formal informal style know ucles further information our terms conditions told start dear sir madam m...

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