File: General Studies Mcq Pdf 124834 | Upsc Syllabus
upsc syllabus civil services preliminary exam the civil services preliminary exam comprises of two compulsory papers of 200 marks each general studies paper i and general studies paper ii the ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 11 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Upsc syllabus civil services preliminary exam the comprises of two compulsory papers marks each general studies paper i and ii questions will be multiple choice objective type in prelims not counted for final ranking but just qualification main commission draw a list candidates to qualified service examination based on criterion minimum qualifying total as may determined by duration hours merit rank current events national international importance history india indian movement world geography physical social economic polity governance constitution political system panchayati raj public policy rights issues etc development sustainable poverty inclusion demographics sector initiatives environmental ecology bio diversity climate change that do require subject specialization science needs comprehension interpersonal skills including communication logical reasoning analytical ability decision making problem solving mental basic numeracy numbers their relations orders magnitude class x level...