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...Books and authors list gk notes in pdf for ssc bank exams when you look at the question papers of chsl cgl mts ibps po clerk so ippb sc i lic aao etc may find a lot questions related to based on form part general awareness section many govt these can be fiction non biographies novels award winning critically acclaimed but chances are that if particular book was news then it your exam too here s important we have divided entire into been some reason or other also download this as keep handy banks let us now take asked know is category where get read memoirs self help business histories research found reading increases chance becoming successful all spheres p g e trip echo spring olivia laing writers drinking origin charles species darwin interpretation sigmund freud dreams walden henry david thoreau discovery jawaharlal india nehru bookless shashi baghdad tharoor algebra arundhati roy infinite justice two lives vikram seth geetanjali rabindranath tagore silent rachel carson mythologies ...