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File: Society Pdf 124585 | 915b2393 9e84 4562 9551 2a9f290b8228
rajasthan public service commission ajmer syllabus for examination for the post of sr teacher secondary education department paper i i geographical historical cultural and general knowledge of rajasthan physical features ...

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...Rajasthan public service commission ajmer syllabus for examination the post of sr teacher secondary education department paper i geographical historical cultural and general knowledge physical features climate drainage vegetation agriculture livestock dairy development population distribution growth literacy sex ratio tribes industries major tourist centres ancient culture civilisation kalibangan ahar ganeshwar bairath th history from to century gurjar pratihars chauhans relations with delhi sultanate mewar ranthambore jalore mughals sanga pratap mansingh amer chandrasen rai singh bikaner raj freedom struggle in revolution political awakening prajamandal movements peasants tribal integration society religion lok devta devian saints architecture temples forts palaces paintings various schools fairs festivals customs dresses ornaments folk music dance language literature administrative system office governor role functions chief minister cabinet state council ministers secretariat secret...

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