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picture1_General Awareness For Ssc Mts Pdf 124214 | Ssc Mts Exam Syllabus Pattern

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File: General Awareness For Ssc Mts Pdf 124214 | Ssc Mts Exam Syllabus Pattern
ssc mts exam syllabus and pattern ssc mts exam syllabus and pattern paper i marks time duration a general intelligence and reasoning 25 25 b numerical aptitude 25 25 c ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 10 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Ssc mts exam syllabus and pattern paper i marks time duration a general intelligence reasoning b numerical aptitude c english minutes d awareness total analogy figural semantic symbolic number classification series arithmetic non verbal operations discrimination observation arithmetical coding decoding drawing inferences critical thinking judgment decision making folding seating arrangement emotional social puzzle visual memory problem solving syllogistic address matching date city matrix statement conclusion embedded figures spatial orientation venn diagrams space visualization www careerjano com lcm hcf mixture alligation basic algebraic identities synonyms antonyms shuffling of sentence parts idioms phrases spellings detecting mis spelt words one word substitution correction spelling test reading comprehension spotting errors fill in the blanks active passive voice passage etc current affairs ii section letter writing essay...

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