File: General Ability Test Pdf 124081 | S Sdpj 1206656 Abstract
abstract validity and reliability testing by using general motor ability test for elementary school students descriptive research on modifying the carpenter motor ability test for elementary school students in district ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 10 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Abstract validity and reliability testing by using general motor ability test for elementary school students descriptive research on modifying the carpenter in district coblong supervisor drs andi suntoda m pd iskandar this thesis is motivated importance of motors modification determined valid reliable measuring instrument thus authors tested modified issue that author wants to propose paper whether tests abilities are method used goal see how much level results data analysis has a rate r have collated criteria very high significant with less insignificant keywords pengujian validitas dan reliabilitas tes untuk siswa sekolah dasar universitas pendidikan indonesia repository upi edu perpustakaan abstrak penelitian deskriptif tentang modifikasi pada di gugus kecamatan pembimbing skripsi ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pentingnya abilility abililty karena keberhasilan suatu ditentukan alat ukur yang reliabel maka dari itu penulis melakukan terhadap dimodifikasi adapun masalah ingin ajukan dalam...