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picture1_General Studies Pdf 123801 | Associate Of Gen Studies

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File: General Studies Pdf 123801 | Associate Of Gen Studies
associate of general studies about the program the associate of general studies program goals degree program helps students to provide a general foundation who plan to study a variety of ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 10 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Associate of general studies about the program goals degree helps students to provide a foundation who plan study variety liberal arts as areas without committing precursor for declared four themselves specific field year baccalaureate they prepare employment or additional academic work outcomes successfully complete with c average higher transfer institution wayne county community college district jobs today future requirements consists minimum sixty credit hours which fteen must be earned at wcccd all degrees group g s american government ps english eng i elective any course above humanities select one three from following dance french music philosophy languages speech mathematics natural science astronomy biology chemistry geology physics ant introduction physical anthropology dt fundamentals nutrition education total electives note may not include prerequisites it is policy that no person on basis race color religion national origin age sex height weight marital status disability p...

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