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picture1_English   2020 21 Rewised

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File: English 2020 21 Rewised
rajarshi shahu mahavidyalaya latur autonomous revised syllabus for the b a s y semester iii iv programme b a competitive examinations programme cep course english credit based semester and grading ...

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...Rajarshi shahu mahavidyalaya latur autonomous revised syllabus for the b a s y semester iii iv programme competitive examinations cep course english credit based and grading system with effect from june class sem title of paper code communicative u coe sub lectures marks objectives to make students understand importance grammar in language learning create awareness gain knowledge types clauses identify sentences on functionality structure acquaint grammatical items so as piece writings comprehend meaning them also translate it their mother tongue i e marathi prepare write essays express views particular situations issues etc outcomes student will able basic structures equip perfect essay exam reports use appropriate style organize content logically systematically state report events objectively practice writing different voice punctuation direct indirect narration proverbs idioms phrases comprehension translation steps recommended books high school composition wren martin rewised editi...

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