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picture1_General Awareness In Hindi 123699 | Class Iv

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File: General Awareness In Hindi 123699 | Class Iv
session 2021 22 syllabus for entrance exam class iv english mathematics hindi general awareness reading large numbers means of transport comprehension reading and writing 4 digit clothes writing numbers place ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 10 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Session syllabus for entrance exam class iv english mathematics hindi general awareness reading large numbers means of transport comprehension and writing digit clothes place face value food picture expanded form short even water description odd number plants paragraph predecessor successor animals comparing ordering contribution forming social helpers in grammar basic operations neighbourhood articles adding subtracting knowledge punctuation questions noun gender word problems addition proper subtraction common together pronouns properties multiplication adjectives by one quality two quantity simple past tense preposition tables finding dividend divisor quotient long division with checking...

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