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picture1_General Knowledge Pdf 123679 | Class 5

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File: General Knowledge Pdf 123679 | Class 5
class v index s no contents page no 1 preface 2 2 general guidelines 3 3 guidelines for assessments p s a 4 5 schedule of distribution of units in ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 10 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Class v index s no contents page preface general guidelines for assessments p a schedule of distribution units in the syllabus detail english hindi mathematics environmental studies knowledge computer science music dance art craft life skills physical education tathletics tbasketball tfoot ball tbadminton tlawn tennis tskating ttaek wondo you cannot teach child any more than can grow plant develops its own nature also teaches itself is manifestation perfection already man swami vivekanand we as facilitators have firm faith this philosophy our aim to guide children develop themselves outstanding self reliant members society with right values innovative centered curriculum has been designed view ignite curious mind and promote wholesome learning do learn approach adopted which helps become proactive learners an interdisciplinary order make stimulating experience personal emotional social development share equal space intellectual cognitive growth enables acquire language proficiency stre...

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