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picture1_General Reading Pdf 123632 | 611d Intg

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File: General Reading Pdf 123632 | 611d Intg
general studies aa 611d initial placement scores integrated studies intg reading english must complete a minimum of 15 credits at the 200 level for completion of the program total credits ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 10 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...General studies aa d initial placement scores integrated intg reading english must complete a minimum of credits at the level for completion program total math catalog editions through name date id m anticipated course hours grade engl or if needed elective not foundation c better required to graduate ge see counselor advisor arts distribution artd education humanities humd behavioral social sciences bssd different discipline from other ged natural with lab nsld without nsnd institutional requirement geir ir choose comm hlth discuss appropriate choice students may select two courses meet their requirements core selection least each cores in one be hacl artt danc film ling hist musc phil thet world languages arab aslp chin fren germ hind ital japn kora latn port russ span consult degree additional ssah anth ccjs econ geog gnds hmgt hmls phed poli psyc socy wmst stem aosc astr biol chem cmsc data enee enes geol nutr nwit psci phys up credit reach college reflecting personal academic and ...

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