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picture1_Economics Pdf 123447 | Chse Course Of Studies Vocational Stream (part Ii) 2015

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File: Economics Pdf 123447 | Chse Course Of Studies Vocational Stream (part Ii) 2015
odisha council of higher secondary education odisha bhubaneswar courses of studies in vocational stream part ii business commerce for the higher secondary vocational examination 2015 ad rs 20 00 contents ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 10 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Odisha council of higher secondary education bhubaneswar courses studies in vocational stream part ii business commerce for the examination ad rs contents sl no subject page english modern indian language a oriya b hindi c bengali d telugu e urdu f sanskrit g alternative environmental yoga group economics trade subjects and accounting auditing insurance office management tax assistant csv introduction to new course structure distribution marks having practicals with from academic session basically de stress students joining under chse orissa there will be yearly examinations at end st year nd classes have been separated accordingly conducted college h s school level secured examiantion shall considered only promotion class bearing on terminal by pass certificates awarded successful candidates basing performance theory objective type compulsory multiple choice all units x one word answer very short correct sentence fill up blanks bits each answered out long any questions...

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