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assamese aspectual markers with reference to their pragmatic use a study interdisciplinary journal of linguistics volume 2021 pp 24 29 assamese aspectual markers with reference to their pragmatic use a ...

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...Assamese aspectual markers with reference to their pragmatic use a study interdisciplinary journal of linguistics volume pp krishna hazarika abstract this paper is an empirical investigation on the in and aims analyze how pragmatics plays crucial role determining meaning these there are two basic form aspects natural languages namely perfective imperfective but scrutinizing forms its functions context appearance alternative view point which indicates diverse nature all could be captured only by analyzing any language thus have become important means for organizing we examining however data has three straightforward i h s t k recognized till now attempt look into makers describe they convey different meanings such as those perfectivity imperfectivity contexts key words marker introduction generally refers that phenomena grammatical verb specially duration type temporal activity denoted aspect system it based insights drawn from referencing internal structure action extensive productive ...

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