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picture1_Economics Pdf 122154 | 5b6939e2e4b01509eac68c33

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File: Economics Pdf 122154 | 5b6939e2e4b01509eac68c33
cbse class 12 economics macro economics chapter 1 introduction revision notes 1 macro economics it deals with the aggregate economic variables of an economy the word macro comes from a ...

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...Cbse class economics macro chapter introduction revision notes it deals with the aggregate economic variables of an economy word comes from a greek makros which means large is branch that studies relationships or issues as whole like total consumption saving etc investigates principles problems and policies relating to achievement full employment expansion productive capacity evolved only after publication keynesian s book theory interest money macroeconomics takes top down approach capitalist country in production activity are mainly carried out by enterprises doing well result good what capitalism all about ralph waldo emerson system governed i e where distribution privately corporately owned primarily run price mechanism without any interference government role maintain law order this main motive earn profit structure also known free market laissez faire examples economies hong kong singapore canada uae ireland important features central private sector fare www vedantu com wage rate...

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