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picture1_Tnpsc History Notes 122083 | History Part 20 In English

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File: Tnpsc History Notes 122083 | History Part 20 In English
winmeen tnpsc group 1 2 self preparation course 2018 history part 20 20 vijayanagar and bahmani kingdoms notes the vijayanagar empire 1336 1672 ad by the end of the sultanate ...

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...Winmeen tnpsc group self preparation course history part vijayanagar and bahmani kingdoms notes the empire ad by end of sultanate period multan bengal were first territories to break away from delhi declared independent many other in deccan region rose power harihara bukka is founder city a d on southern banks tungabhadra they made hampi as capital served under vira ballala iii hoysala king goa diu kochi kollam major ports was ruled four important dynasties are sangama saluva tuluva aravidu i became ruler dynasty www com learning leads ruling he captured mysore madurai succeeded him krishnadeva raya most famous according domingo paes portuguese traveller feared perfect there could possibly be author jambavathi kalyanam madurvijayam iswritten ganagadevi for kumarkampana s expedition book amuktamalyada books tells life andal conquests conquered sivasamudram raichur orissa warangal his extended river krishna north cauvery south arabian sea west bay east contributions an able administrator...

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