File: Nda Notes Pdf 121923 | Lake Road Nda Draft Minutes 9 8 2021
lake road nda meeting notes september 8 2021 meeting conducted via zoom participants were susanna pai sue richardson beverly curtis virginia pai cpt ryan burdick kate houston teresa bresaw anthony ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 08 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Lake road nda meeting notes september conducted via zoom participants were susanna pai sue richardson beverly curtis virginia cpt ryan burdick kate houston teresa bresaw anthony allen paul hawkins debby patten christine giatti started at p m reports milwaukie police department reported these items the is filling additional positions swearing in ceremonies will be held october mentioned body cameras are trying to purchased has contacted different vendors they may go with motorola all officers get a camera by it was noted motorcycle missions wrote tickets there men arrested for human trafficking issues man bank of west branch on robbery charges mpd currently full time sworn two that getting close retirement treasurer july our received from city we have spent some funds development bowman brae park current balance treasury end august psac nothing report land use single family dwelling being built s e weedman court lots projected cerighino farms housing secretary read and approved neighbor...