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picture1_Study Guide Pdf 121899 | Macbeth Act 5 Key

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File: Study Guide Pdf 121899 | Macbeth Act 5 Key
name key date macbeth act v reading and study guide i vocabulary be able to define the following words and understand them when they appear in the play also be ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 08 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Name key date macbeth act v reading and study guide i vocabulary be able to define the following words understand them when they appear in play also prepared quizzed on these perturb disturb bother taper candle note our word that means make gradually smaller e g someone off a medicine probably comes from sense of diminishing size as it burns guise outward appearance think disguise fortify strengthen pester annoy hew cut down abhor hate detest reject something very strongly etymology ab away horror tremble shudder literally shrink back trembling is stronger than ii background info moirai fates greek mythology are three sisters who have power decide man s destiny first clotho spun thread person life decided what would like second lachesis measured she how long third atropos one essentially determined length each well much suffering their names roman nona decuma morta norse has goddesses exact details differ different stories pieces art most information hesiod theogeny although there refe...

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