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picture1_Iit Jee Sample Paper 121787 | Sample Paper Class 9

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File: Iit Jee Sample Paper 121787 | Sample Paper Class 9
fiitjee common test set a sdaw37b1 applicable for class ix iit jee stage i iit jee time 3 hours maximum marks 240 a question paper format 1 the question paper ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 08 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Fiitjee common test set a sdawb applicable for class ix iit jee stage i time hours maximum marks question paper format the consists of parts physics part chemistry ii and mathematics iii each four sections section contains multiple choice questions has choices b c d its answer out which only one is correct or more are matrix match type containing statements given in columns first column have to be matched with second there may than iv single digit integer ranging from will appropriately bubbled ors as per instructions at beginning marking scheme you awarded if darken bubble corresponding zero mark no bubbles darkened all other cases minus s wise negative this on carries row any wrong omr sheet q enrolment name batch date ltd house kalu sarai sarvapriya vihar new delhi ph fax website www com...

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