File: Himanshu Pandey Pdf 121653 | Resume Final Himanshu Updated
curriculum vitae dr himanshu pandey m s gen surgery m ch urology urologist andrologist and renal transplant surgeon present address 110 mahaveer nagar kudi jodhpur permanent address 233 b shankar ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 08 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Curriculum vitae dr himanshu pandey m s gen surgery ch urology urologist andrologist and renal transplant surgeon present address mahaveer nagar kudi jodhpur permanent b shankar amber road jaipur ph email hpandeydr gmail com career objective to realize my potentials in challenging medical situations develop capabilities by acquiring knowledge skills relevant the practice of i am dedicated devoted professionally seeking a responsive job which requires core communication clinical examination assessment planning investigations management as important ever assets self confidence excellent strong will power compassionate personal details name st date birth nov father brij bhooshan mother mrs mithilesh kumari wife vibha mishra dgo dnb obstetrics gynecology nationality indian languages known english hindi qualifications august from sms collge general may college attached hospitals under guidence laparoscopic dinesh k jindel prof unit head upgraded department hospital j l n ajmer university ra...