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picture1_Study Schedule Pdf 121613 | Planner Target 300 Plus Notes Ca

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File: Study Schedule Pdf 121613 | Planner Target 300 Plus Notes Ca
planner notes and current affairs only course www upsclawoptional in demonstrative planner target 300 plus notes and current affairs 300 days to be customized for each aspirant depending upon the ...

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...Planner notes and current affairs only course www upsclawoptional in demonstrative target plus days to be customized for each aspirant depending upon the study schedule of day module topic no constitution constitutionalism distinctive features fundamental rights i concept article ii right equality iii abolition untouchability against exploitation iv certain freedoms revision v life education protection arrest detention articles a vi freedom religion conscience vii cultural educational viii property eminent domain state common community ix constitutional remedies public interest litigation x legal aid services authority relationship between directive principles duties position president relation with council ministers governor his powers supreme court high courts appointments transfer b functions jurisdiction centre states local bodies distribution legislative union administrative among privileges immunities under recruitment conditions safeguards tribunals service commission commission...

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