File: Study Guide Pdf 121606 | 609f5e406c47695e98d061ce Apush Period 1 2
1 apush period 1 2 study guide created by angeline b nato for use by simple studies from simple studies https simplestudies edublogs org simplestudiesinc on instagram sources adapted from ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 08 Oct 2022 | 3 years ago
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...Apush period study guide created by angeline b nato for use simple studies from https simplestudies edublogs org simplestudiesinc on instagram sources adapted cracking the ap u s history exam edition princeton review advanced placement youtube channel playlist key ideas note these two periods are put together to better emphasize their cause and effect specialized colonies region specific characteristics natives slave relations increased contact direct impact economic severe culture important understand discovery of new world exploration era mainly spain france great britain latin america south regions purpose gold silver mining solo males traveled due purposes west what would later become fur trade alliance with east side be territory agricultural whole families migrated over social cultural effects structure fluid in intermarriage creoles mulattoes etc rigid so rare intermarrige indigenous people native americans african quickly placed at bottom blending voodoo religion mixed christia...