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picture1_Computer Science Thesis Pdf 121282 | Ijcatrthesis02132017152335 Ijcatrthesis1001

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File: Computer Science Thesis Pdf 121282 | Ijcatrthesis02132017152335 Ijcatrthesis1001

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 08 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...International journal of computer applications technology and research issn impact supply chain management practices on the performance banks in kenya a case postbank vincent kiprop kimechwa project submitted to department business social science school human resource development jomo kenyatta university agriculture partial fulfilment requirements for degree master procurement logistics january declaration this is my own original work has not been presented award any other or institution higher learning k hd c sign date proposal examination with approval as supervisor dr agnes njeru jkuat mr geoffrey makau www ijcat com ii dedication dedicated first almighty god who gave me physical mental strength undertake accomplish study secondly i devote family members support they accorded period them owe iii acknowledgement would like acknowledge efforts all those individuals whose contribution assistance made completion possible foremost sincere gratitude goes supervisors godfrey time invaluabl...

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