faculty guidance notes for marketing aptitude for bank exams ref fgn500907 the word market is derived from a latin word mercatus 2 price price is the amount of money charged ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 08 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Faculty guidance notes for marketing aptitude bank exams ref fgn the word market is derived from a latin mercatus price amount of money charged which means to trade product or service place physical distribution products and services process by companies create concerned with making value customers build strong customer goods available at right so relationships in order capture that people can purchase same return should explain channels goal manage profitable promotion refers activities seeks attract new communicate merits promising superior keep persuade target buy it current delivering satisfaction mix higher levels lead greater loyalty turn results better company also called communications performance combination promotional tools used achieve its communication delighted make repeated purchases tell objectives others about their good experiences elements these are be far more persuasive than ads other formal they advertising versus selling personal sales two different terms publici...