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picture1_Society Pdf 120937 | Syllabus Ma Sociology Sem 3

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File: Society Pdf 120937 | Syllabus Ma Sociology Sem 3
sardar patel university vallabh vidyanagar gujarat reaccredited with a grade by naac cgpa 3 25 syllabus with effect from the academic year 2022 2023 ma sociology semester 3 programme to ...

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...Sardar patel university vallabh vidyanagar gujarat reaccredited with a grade by naac cgpa syllabus effect from the academic year ma sociology semester programme to enhance logical and analytical skill understand social issues problems contribute subject knowledge nurture outcome po for creativity research development provide basic advanced theoretical as well methodological of application this course aims skills capabilities employment opportunities students post graduate in is designed sociological perspectives wide cross sections learners make rational critical develop their events scientific attitude about society built capacity communicate effectively use better methods rural india education human rights tourism gender criminology indian diaspora major aim going beyond boundaries own discipline think over interdisciplinary multidisciplinary approach have choice select different types electives per his or her specific pso seeks introduce concepts such way that even those who come fr...

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