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picture1_Economics Pdf 120429 | Com  3rd

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File: Economics Pdf 120429 | Com 3rd
course structure year 2 semester iii s n subject subject evaluation scheme code sessional ese total credit exams l t p ct ta total business economics 1 bcm 311 5 ...

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...Course structure year semester iii s n subject evaluation scheme code sessional ese total credit exams l t p ct ta business economics bcm corporate laws principles of accounting fundamentals computers soft skills non cgpa learning objectives students will demonstrate their knowledge the fundamental and technical concepts apply basic theories in critical thinking problem solving be able to identify use terminologies oral written communications unit i definition nature scope limitation as an art or science relevance management utility analysis marginal theory utilities equi ii meaning demand schedule curve curves elasticity types measurement indifference consumer equilibrium surplus price income substitution effect production function increasing returns constantreturns equal product producer iv market markets characteristics pricing under different structures perfect monopoly oligopoly monopolistic completion discrimination competition v factor rent interest wages profit concept maximiza...

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