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picture1_Economics Pdf 120000 | 12economicsem

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File: Economics Pdf 120000 | 12economicsem
session 2022 23 annual syllabus class xii subject economics 030 content part a introductory macroeconomics unit 1 national income and related aggregates what is macroeconomics basic concepts in macroeconomics consumption ...

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...Session annual syllabus class xii subject economics content part a introductory macroeconomics unit national income and related aggregates what is basic concepts in consumption goods capital final intermediate stocks flows gross investment depreciation circular flow of two sector model methods calculating value added or product method expenditure to gnp net nnp domestic gdp ndp at market price factor cost real nominal welfare money banking meaning functions supply currency held by the public demand deposits commercial banks creation system central bank its example reserve india issue govt banker s control credit through rate crr slr repo reverse open operations margin requirement determination employment aggregate components propensity consume save average marginal short run equilibrium output multiplier mechanism full involuntary unemployment problems excess deficient measures correct them changes government spending taxes b indian economic development experience reforms since brief i...

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