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picture1_Study Pdf 119948 | 6117436

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File: Study Pdf 119948 | 6117436
a blended learning model in higher education a comparative study of blended learning in uk and malaysia esyin chew a submission presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the ...

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...A blended learning model in higher education comparative study of uk and malaysia esyin chew submission presented partial fulfilment the requirements university glamorgan prifysgol morgannwg for degree doctoral philosophy july abstract involves combination two fields concern technology or groups people technologists educationists however current literature shows less consideration on potential disciplinary gap experience as result there is paucity evidence from cross country institutional investigations this aimed to explore analyse compare research reflected questions what are experiences selected educational institutions how such varies different disciplines reflections qualitative case with methods was used obtain depth findings these i visited universities countries sampled participants voices contrasting thoroughly discussed individual studies followed by discipline comparison enabled insights be drawn major argument did enable enhance all but differences remain challenge analysis...

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