File: Nutrition Pdf 119919 | 2021 04 23 Vii Social Science 1
ncert solutions for class 7 civics social science chapter 2 role of the government in health 1 in this chapter you have read that health is a wider concept than ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Ncert solutions for class civics social science chapter role of the government in health this you have read that is a wider concept than illness look at quote from constitution and explain terms living standard public your own words an important part says it duty state to raise level nutrition improve answer means people which they live if hygeinic conditions enjoying all ot comforts life their high on contrary are bound filthy surroundings drink polluted water eat unhygeinic foods lead low refers general what different ways through can take steps provide healthcare discuss by increasing number hospitals centres family welfare organising free camps check up pulse polio campaigns spreading awareness among common workshops seminars training also prove be effective differences do find between private services area use following table compare contrast these facility cost seroices availabtlity service ans facwty avallabwty very expensive everything available but either or there ls always ru...