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picture1_Study Pdf 119866 | Syllabus B Sc Nursing

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File: Study Pdf 119866 | Syllabus B Sc Nursing
madhya pradesh medical science university jabalpur m p syllabus b sc nursing four year degree course 1 english placements first year time theory 60 hrs course description the course is ...

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...Madhya pradesh medical science university jabalpur m p syllabus b sc nursing four year degree course english placements first time theory hrs description the is designed to enable students enhance ability comprehend spoker and written use required for effective communication in their professional work will practice skills verbal during clinical classroom experiences unit content i review of grammar remedial study building vocabulary phonetics public speaking ii read prescribed books iii various forms composition letter writing note taking precis notes anecdotal records diary reports on health problems etc resume cv iv spoken oral report discussion debate telephone conversation v listening comprehension media audio video speeches anatomy acquire knowledge normal structure human body systems understand alterations anatomical structures disease introduction terms organization cell tissues definition types characteristics classification location functions formation membranes glands alterna...

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