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picture1_Economic Analysis Pdf 119445 | Chapter 09

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File: Economic Analysis Pdf 119445 | Chapter 09
Chapter 9 222 Matrices and Determinants Chapter 9 Matrices and Determinants 9.1 Introduction: In many economic analysis, variables are assumed to be related by sets of linear equations. Matrix ...

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...Chapter matrices and determinants introduction in many economic analysis variables are assumed to be related by sets of linear equations matrix algebra provides a clear concise notation for the formulation solution such problems which would complicated conventional algebraic concept determinant is based on that hence we shall first explain set mn numbers real or complex arranged rectangular formation array table having m rows n columns enclosed square bracket called read an expressed as letters stand note element ij ith row jth column thus sometimes denoted simplified form i e usually capital b c etc its elements small order dimension ordered pair component number second if there then written x three two general examples d orders respectively some types consisting single vector whereas null zero each generally symbol o this distinguishes from example has property every mxn same can said simply main principal leading diagonal where j extending upper left hand corner lower right contains...

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