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picture1_Science Project Pdf 119324 | Std8thsocscihistorybridgecourse

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File: Science Project Pdf 119324 | Std8thsocscihistorybridgecourse
government of maharashtra bridge course class 8 subject history and civics academic year 2022 23 state council of education research and training maharashtra pune credentials promoter school education and sports ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 07 Oct 2022 | 2 years ago
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...Government of maharashtra bridge course class subject history and civics academic year state council education research training pune credentials promoter school sports department mantralaya mumbai publisher educational motivation hon ble ranjit singh deol i a s secretary govt guidance suraj mandhare commissioner kailas pagare project director prathmik shikshan parishad editor devender co ramakant kathmore jnt executive dr neha belsare principal mr sachin chavhan senior lecturer cum dy head social science editing assistance jyoti rajput balasaheb gaikwad assistant annasaheb kute diet hingoli creating shivprasad narayan mathpati primary teacher shri saraswati vidyalaya prashala gangakhed parshuram aher mo va sevasadhan adhyapika pg instructions for teachers parents facilitators namaskar as we all are very well aware about the fact that due to pandemic situation schools were formally closed during last actual classroom teaching learning could not take place there is certainty will restar...

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